Type 2 Diabetes is Genetic – Detailed answer

Diabetes is a complex condition that develops after combining several different factors. For example, some environmental factors like a sedentary lifestyle and obesity can have a significant impact. Genetics also decides whether you are getting this disease or not.
Type 2 diabetes can be inherited due to genetics and family history. But environmental factors also have a significant impact. It’s not essential that if you have type 2 diabetes in your family history, you will get it. If your sibling or parents have this disease, you are at high risk of getting it.
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes both have different causes, but two main factors are essential in both of them. Your environmental factor is triggering the disease, or you may inherit it in the predisposition.
Those right-only genes can cause this disease. For example, all identical twins have identical genes. But in some cases, one twin has type 1 diabetes while the other is not. The same goes for type 2 diabetes. The healthy twin will not have type 2 diabetes but will be at higher risk.
Type 2 diabetes is Genetics
If you have type 2 diabetes, then there is a good chance that in your family, you are not the only person with type 2 diabetes. You are more likely to get the disease when one of your siblings or parents has it.
Type 2 diabetes is linked with several gene mutations. This gene mutation and the environmental factors interact to increase the risk further. That means both environmental factors and genes can cause type 2 diabetes.
Scientists relate gene mutation with the high risk of diabetes. However, it’s not 100% that a person with a gene mutation will also have diabetes. But most diabetic people have gene mutations. It’s difficult to separate genetic risk from environmental factors.
Your family members influence the latter. For example, there are maximum chances that the child adopts the eating habits of their parents. At the same time, genetics have a significant role in determining weight. Sometimes the behavior can’t take all the blame.
What’s my risk for developing type 2 diabetes?
The chances of developing type 2 diabetes depend on many factors. Some factors like family history and lifestyle factors like exercise and diet routine can be changed. The positive lifestyle changes decrease the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.
Here are some factors that can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes:
- Prediabetes
- Obesity or overweight
- 45 years or older
- Family history of diabetes
- High blood pressure issues
- Have multiple gene mutations
- Having a low level of HDL, which is known as the good cholesterol
- Gestational diabetes
- Given birth to a baby that weighs more than 9 pounds
- High level of triglycerides
- You are less physically active
- Low HDL level is also known as the good cholesterol
- Acanthosis nigricans
- Depression
- Polycystic Ovary syndrome
- Stroke or any other heart disease
Genetic testing of type 2 diabetes
There is some test present that tells us about the gene mutations associated with type 2 diabetes. The risk increases with the modifications; however, some other factors can more accurately predict whether you are going to get type 2 diabetes or not. The other factors include:
- High blood pressure
- Gestational diabetes
- Body mass index
- Family history
- Cholesterol and triglyceride level
According to the research, type 2 diabetes is more common in African American, Hispanic, and Asian American people than in the other group. The reason may be due to the health inequalities in marginalized communities.
Diabetic prevention tips
The interaction between the environment and genetics creates difficulty in identifying the cause of type 2 diabetes. However, you can still reduce its risk by modifying your habits. The diabetic intervention Accentuating diet and Enhancing Metabolism study DIADEM in an extensive 2020 random clinical trial suggest that people with type 2 diabetes should increase physical activity and weight loss if required to reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes in the early stage.
In many cases, blood sugar levels returned to normal, and most participants then experienced diabetes remission. Other reviews of multiple studies report similar results. Here are more things you can do to reduce the type 2 diabetes risk.
Many other researchers have reported similar results. Adopt the below-mentioned habits to reduce type 2 diabetes risks.
Start an exercise routine
Try adding more and more physical activities to your daily routine. For example, start parking your car a little farther from your office building or the grocery store. Take the stairs instead of the elevators, or go for lunch while walking.
Once you have increased your daily physical activity level, you can add cardiovascular activity and weight training to your daily routine. Aim for 30 minutes of daily exercise. But before starting any routine, remember to consult your doctor.
Your doctor can help you create a perfect plan according to your body’s needs and fit your requirements and abilities. That way, you can safely follow an exercise routine and surely get the most out of it.
Create a balanced meal plan
You can make nutrient-dense diet choices by cooking your meals yourself. Create a weekly plan that includes all the healthy dishes you want. Do some prep work beforehand by doing the grocery shopping for the week.
With time you will find it the healthy and easy way. Once you get comfortable planning the whole week’s food, you can add some additional meals.
Nutrient-rich snacks
Stock up on nutritious snacks to keep you energized and fueled. Here are some easy-to-eat and nutrient-balanced snacks that you must want to give a try.
- Fruits like apples and clementines
- Cheese and whole grain crackers
- Air-popped popcorns are healthy but avoid adding salt and lots of butter
- Nuts, but keep track of your serving size
- Hummus and carrot sticks
By avoiding the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes, you can prevent the development of the condition. Consult your doctor about type 2 diabetes and your family history so that he can help you with the prevention of the disease. They can also tell if you should have genetic testing or not.
Your doctor can help you reduce the risk by making some lifestyle adaptations. Having a test beforehand can benefit the early detection of blood sugar abnormalities and the identification of type 2 diabetes.
Your doctor may also want to check your glucose levels for sugar level abnormalities or other warning signs. Early diagnosis is very beneficial in the prevention of diseases.
What percent of type 2 diabetes is genetic?
In a case with a family history of diabetes, there is about a 40% chance that you can develop the disease. If your one parent has type 2 diabetes, there is a 40% chance of devolving it, and if you’re both parents have, then the cases increase to 70%.
Why type 2 diabetes isgenetic?
When your parent or siblings have type 2 diabetes, you are likely to develop it. Several gene mutations are linked to type 2 diabetes development. If the environmental factors already affect you, you will be at higher risk of developing them.
Which type of diabetes is genetic?
Your genes play a role in both types of diabetes. As if your parent has diabetes, then you will be at high risk. But the young adults and children are at greater risk of developing type 1 diabetes.
How do you get type 2 diabetes?
There are many causes of type 2 diabetes. Some leading causes include physical inactivity, being overweight, and obesity. You will be at higher risk of type 2 diabetes if you are overweight or not physically active. The location of your body fat can also make a big difference.
Which diabetes is non-genetic?
Type 1 is insulin-dependent diabetes that occurs when our immune system, by mistake, attacks the healthy insulin-producing cells. It’s a non-genetic disease that probably results because of the environmental factors in the genetically susceptible host for initiating the destructive immune processes.
Is type 1 or 2 diabetes worse?
Type 1 diabetes is considered worse as compared to type 2 diabetes, as the former is an autoimmune disease that doesn’t have any cure. The 2010 report in the UK suggests that type 1 diabetes can reduce life expectancy by 10 to 20 years, whereas type 2 diabetes can reduce life expectancy by ten years.
Which foods to avoid if I have diabetes in the family?
Avoid fast foods as much as you can. Fast foods have fats and sugar in them. It helps you to maintain your blood sugar level and a healthy weight. It’s also recommended to restrict specific foods that can affect blood sugar levels. So try adding low-carb vegetables and fruits to your diet.
- https://diabetes.org/diabetes/genetics-diabetes#:~:text=Type%202%20diabetes%20has%20a,also%20depends%20on%20environmental%20factors.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/type-2-diabetes/genetics
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746083/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5275752/
- https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/type-2-diabetes/
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-type-2-diabetes-genetic