Healthy Living Tips

Laser Hair Removal For Dark Skin – Everything You Need To Know

Laser Hair Removal For Dark Skin

A few years back, there were no extensive shades of foundation, good sunscreen, and especially laser hair removal for dark skin. Fortunately, with the advances in technology, the people who were told that laser hair removal for dark skin is not available are finally getting the treatment. This advancement in technology has provided all the facilities to both dark skin and light skin.

Firstly, it is essential to know how lasers work. The laser is a beam of intense light that causes permanent damage to the follicle; therefore, hair cannot grow any longer. The laser’s primary focus is to damage the hair pigment that’s why dark skin and light skin are essential in helping the laser done correctly. In past years the ideal ones to do the laser hair treatment are the people with lighter skin. Laser hair removal for dark skin was complicated to find in the past years.

The past devices were not good enough to distinguish between dark hair and black skin, which means they can damage your beautiful skin. There were light and dark spots on your skin, scarring in your skin, and even blisters in most cases. But now, thankfully, there is the availability of the best and smarter lasers that are best for both dark and light skin.

Bella Bella IPL is one of the best devices that work on your skin, similar to the hair removal treatment. But the main benefit of using this Best Bella Bella IPL device is that it gives no damage to your skin and you don’t have to spend dollars after every few months on expensive things. It is the smartest and the effective way to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently.

READ MORE: Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Review: Important Things To Know and Guidelines

The History of Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin Tones

Past laser hair removal for African American skin or people having tan skin, involves more risks of skin damage after laser. Laser light primarily targets the melanin pigment, and this melanin helps the laser in hair removal. The hair follicles have melanin pigment around them that helps in the absorption of energy, and it stops the growth of the hair and removes it permanently.

When we talk about pigmentation, melanin is an essential component. Besides longtime sun exposure and tanning can affect the melanin pigment. However, it is mostly observed that every baby has a lighter skin color than their parents regardless of their genes. When the body’s exposure to light increases, the melanin pigment also increases in amount and results in darker skin.

Besides a large amount of melanin present in dark skin increases hyperpigmentation and burns in some patients. Fortunately, due to the advancement in technology, we can now safely perform laser hair removal for dark skin without any side effects.

Many people with dark or brown skin are afraid to do laser treatment due to the fair of different myths that it is impossible to have safe laser hair removal for dark skin. The fact is there are many devices available these days that can give you safe laser hair removal for dark skin.

Bella Bella IPL is the best and the most effective hair removal device that I recommend. It is not only safe but also easy to use. Besides, it doesn’t have any single damage to your skin. I am impressed by this product by seeing its benefits on my friend who has dark skin.

What to Expect Before Getting Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin

So let’s start with discussing what you can expect in the laser treatment. Because maybe you are interested in trying it out but are afraid of its results. It is essential to know about some important guidelines before you are going for laser hair removal.

Many people thought that the light screen is sensitive, but dark skin is more sensitive. If you are getting laser hair removal for dark skin, then go to the laser hair removal providers with a good experience and satisfactory client review. You must ask them to do a patch test before proceeding and see the before and after results of their customers.

No one spends hundreds of dollars on the treatment and wants pigmentation or pimples on their skin. Thus it is your right to ask the practitioner about his skills and experience. You will notice that every expert will ask you for a patch test at least two days before your appointment.

For additional safety, try to avoid any creams or beauty products that can make your skin more sensitive to lasers. Especially avoid any medicine that can result in photosensitivity before your laser hair removal appointment a week.

Effective Lasers for Darker Skin

First of all, it is essential to know about laser hair removal for dark skin. There are two main types of laser hair removal for dark skin: Diode and Nd: YAG or just YAG. Among them, YAG is quite popular. When you compare it with diodes, the YAG wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin.

The deeper penetration makes the laser successfully pass the segmentation present in your skin. Besides, it is one of the practical and safest options for brown to dark leather because YAG bypasses your skin’s melanin. It is also best for the people who are fair but recently got their skin tan.

Fitzpatrick scale is a scale that a dermatologist uses to know the type of your skin, and in this, no one is the sun-sensitive and the lightest skin while 6 is the darkest one. In the case of Diode laser, having more than four numbers of the skin can be a little complicated.

In people having a dark skin color, the diode laser is transferred a little slower per pulse due to which the skin can have more time to cool down. There is an instant cooling device in it that protects the skin from any pigmentation or side effect. When we compare these two methods, a diode laser is the least painful.

Risk of Laser Hair Removal on Dark Skin

Some most common side effects develop on the brown and dark skin due to laser treatment, including Hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and mostly dark spots. Hypo pigmentation is the most difficult one to remove so to be free of side effects you can ask the dermatologist to do a patch test for you.

Undoubtedly, everyone wants to have to face any side effects after the hair removal by laser treatment. Thanks to the advancement now we have Bella Bella IPL hair removal, it is a useful device that uses different light spectrums when you compare it with the other laser devices. Thus, in my opinion, it is the best and effective laser hair removal for dark skin.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

When you compare the laser hair removal on dark and light skin, then the dark skin can take more time than the light one but remember every single person has different skin. The main disadvantage is that you have to pay more according to your session.

According to the 207 stats of the American society of plastic surgeons, the average cost of laser treatment that you pay for every single session is about 293$.ice Besides the prize is different and depends on which body part you want to remove your hair.

There is no significant difference between Diode laser treatment and YAG laser treatment. But according to studies if you have sensitive skin and a low tolerance for pain, then Diode laser treatment can be better for you. But YAG is the safest hair removal for African American skin.

If you don’t want to give every hundred dollars on every single session of laser hair removal, then try out Bella Bella IPL hair removal that is not only effective but also budget-friendly. After doing comprehensive research on Bella Bella IPL hair removal devices, I find it the best for different skin types.

Tips to Prepare Yourself Before Hair Removal on Darker Skin

The biggest mistake we make while selecting the best place for laser hair removal is choosing the wrong site. For getting a small discount, we choose the place where we can waste our whole amount of money. So the best thing is to go and have a look at their customer reviews.

To know about their professionalism, the best way is to go through the unbiased review of their clients and their response to them that shows professionalism. You must select the experienced person who is known for their work.

Have a proper skin check-up because as I said earlier every skin is different from the other thus, you might have a 3 point on the Fitzpatrick scale, but your skin can react toward the laser as a six if you are Asian or maybe latex.

When getting a date for your laser treatment, then try to avoid laser hair products as much as you can. These products have some particular types of ingredients that can make your skin sensitive to laser energy. These ingredients include benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, salicylic acids, and retinoids. Try to avoid beauty products for at least five days before your schedule to avoid the side effects.

Try to avoid your sun exposure as much as you can or take full sun protection. A tan can increase the rate of pigmentation and can harm your skin. If you feel that your skin is tanned, then talk with your dermatologist to reschedule your appointment or take some other protective measures.

How to Take Care of Dark Skin after Hair Removal

Fortunately, with advancements in technology, the most significant benefit we are getting is making our older techniques better or inventing even more effective strategies. These days there are minimal chances that you get any side effects from this laser treatment. If you got pigmentation or any other symptom, then there are still many ways that will help you overcome these symptoms.

Just avoid the unnecessary sun disclosure after the laser hair removal session and don’t use any beauty products because they can react with your skin.

Some Interesting Facts about Laser Hair Removal on Dark Skin Tones

We are using lasers in medication for even more than decades, but lasers for hair removal were brought in the 1990s. In the starting years, the use of lasers for hair removal was a painful process, and it only worked on some specific skin colors. There are generally four types of lasers used in hair removal treatment, and they are working on almost every skin type.

With the advancement in more effective laser hair removal treatment, ruby lasers have lost their popularity. Ruby laser is no more common these days because it was useful only for a few skin types. Besides this, laser treatment has a narrow beam light due to which you have to go into many sessions compared to the other lasers.

Alexandrite lasers also work for a few hair colors and skin tones. But more effective on olive-toned skin and fair skin (Fitzpatrick types 1-3).

These laser treatments have adequate and safe results for all skin shades, including Fitzpatrick type’s I-VI. These technologies help in getting rid of the hair permanently by destroying the blood flow in follicle roots. Because of the disturbed blood flow, the ability of hair to grow will automatically disable.

These lasers have deeper penetration than others and reduce the amount of energy absorbed by the epidermis, thus have no side effects for your skin. Besides, it protects your epidermis by increasing the absorption of melanin. According to studies as discussed earlier diode laser treatment is best for hair removal.

Diode laser hair removal for Indian skin gives the best results, and 92% of the people have no hair after their 8th session. If you have thick black hair, then diode laser hair removal can be the best for you.

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Important Things to Know about the Laser Hair Removal for Fitzpatrick Types 1 to 6

When we talk about laser hair removal on darker skin tones, then the pulse duration is also significant. A longer pulse duration has fewer side effects and is safe than a shorter pulse duration. Because in case of longer pulse duration, there is a considerable period to deliver the energy compared to the smaller one. The shorter wavelength can have many side effects that can result in pigmentation and can produce both dark and light spots on your skin.

Generally, the professional laser treatment providers do a patch test on a small part of your skin to know whether your skin is reacting to that laser or not. It is essential and most importantly guarantees the safety of your treatment procedure. If your specialist has not recommended a patch test for you by chance, then it’s your responsibility to ask for one.

You should wait for at least 72 hours to see any skin reaction because if you have pigmented skin, then results are mostly delayed.

End Words by the Writer

The advancement in laser technology and the more extended wavelength lasers are the best to get safe laser hair removal for darker skin. As a person with brown skin, I also feel difficult to make up my mind to get laser treatment due to the previous contraindications about laser hair removal results for Indian skin or Asian skin.

But the thing I learned as an analyst is that you don’t need to worry about the results if you have selected the right laser treatment and especially a professional practitioner. Thus it would be best to read about the best laser treatment device reviews and the professional’s opinions before making your final decision.

I have personally seen the best results from Bella Bella IPL hair removal devices. After going through its hundred 5 star reviews and reading the satisfactory comments of its customers, I am recommending it.


  1. Does Laser Hair Removal Work for Dark Skin?

Absolutely, with the advancement in technology hair removal work for all skin types. It might be possible that dark skin needs more sessions than light skin, but it entirely depends on your skin condition, including your skin color, sensitivity, and many other things.

  1. Can we do Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin at Home?

Yes, fortunately, many devices can assist you in removing your hair permanently at home. The best device that I recommend is the Bella Bella IPL laser hair removal device that works best for all skin types. It is effortless to use, and you can remove your hair professionally without losing the comfort of your home.

  1. Can we do Laser Hair Removal Underarms Dark Skin?

Yes, there is no side effect of doing laser hair removal for underarms dark skin. The most significant advantage that you can get from it is that it can help you resolve your darker skin color under your arms. That means now you can have beautiful, smooth underarms having the same body color.

  1. Are there any Laser Hair Removal Dark Skin Side Effects?

The side effects of laser hair removal depend on you because you are the one who has to select the right laser hair removal for your skin and an experienced laser hair removal specialist. If you have done these things correctly, then there are minimal chances that you can get any side effects. If you still get pimples or pigmentation, then there are still many options available to help you.

  1. What is Permanent Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin?

Laser hair removal can be permanent as well as semi-permanent. It depends on the number of sessions you have attended to remove your hair. The light from your laser targets your hair blood flow and permanently removes it. These sessions depend upon your skin type and condition, and if you follow all the sessions recommended by the specialist, you can always remove your hair.

  1. What is Laser Hair Removal on Dark Skin Results?

The results of laser hair removal for darker skin depend on your decision while selecting the laser types. If you have chosen the right one, your laser’s light energy will target the pigment in the follicle and permanently remove it. But if the laser targets your skin pigment, then your decision is not right about the laser.

  1. Do Diode Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin is Better than others?

In people having a darker skin color diode, laser hair removal can prove to be the best option it transmits pulses at a slower rate when we compare it with others. These lasers give the skin enough time to cool down, making it more effective and undoubtedly free of side effects.

  1. Can Laser Hair Removal Cause Dark Skin?

Yes if you are not taking care of your skin correctly, then it might be possible that you can get spots on your skin. You can have dark or light skin spots either temporarily or maybe permanently. The lighten skin spots are formed if you are not avoiding sun exposure after your session.

  1. What is Laser Hair Removal for Black Skin near me?

If you asked me this question 3 to 4 years back, I would talk against it. After knowing the complete details, I would recommend laser hair removal for all skin colors because there is no side effect on your skin if you are following all the guidelines. The best thing is to ensure that it is safe for your skin so you can go for a patch test before the session.

  1. Which is the Best Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin Tones?

Till now Diode laser hair removal is becoming the more common laser hair removal for dark skin. It has short pulses that are giving the proper and sufficient time for your skin to cool down. Besides, it is best for a wide range of skin tones and probably the least painful laser treatment. Thus, it is perhaps the best laser hair removal among the light skins after all these benefits.

  1. YAG Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin?

The YAG laser hair removal is popular among people with darker skin and in people with darker skin. The wavelength of YAG laser penetrates a little deeper than others, thus resulting in complete hair removal. It has no side effects and gives the best result to people having tan skin.

  1. Which is the Best Professional Laser Hair Removal Machine for Dark Skin?

There are many hair removal devices available in the market, but many of them do more damage than good. The best way to avoid these problems is to use the Bella Bella IPL hair removal device. It works on the same mechanism as laser hair removal and has no side effects. It is the best proof of the technological advancement in laser hair removal.

  1. Why is Laser Hair Removal the Best?

Laser hair removal is best and preferred due to its permanent hair removal technology. It is a procedure that removes your hair permanently by working on its root cause. Even if you compare laser hair removal with waxing, it is less painful and more effective, and safe for your skin.

  1. Why is Laser Hair Removal Expensive?

Laser hair removal is less expensive because of the costly machines and expenses to maintain its quality with time. In the case of permanent laser hair removal, you have to come for more than three sessions to get the perfect results. That’s the reason it is expensive.

  1. Why is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

Laser hair removal is undoubtedly worth all your money because it is the best way to eliminate the waxing and shaving expenses, especially the pain and other side effects of these methods. Besides, if you think of it as an investment for your beauty, you will feel like me that it’s worth your money.

  1. How many Sessions will I Need?

For permanent hair removal, the average number of visits is 3 to 5. But it varies from person to person due to the difference in their skin types. There are some people for whom two sessions are more than enough, but some need more than seven sessions. So the best answer you can get is from a skin laser professional in person so he can check out your skin type.

  1. I have a tan; can I still get the Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Yes, if you face a tan and have sensitive skin, you can still get a laser hair removal treatment. And YAG laser treatment is the best option for the fair people, but their skin is tan.

  1. Does Laser Hair Removal Work on Skin?

Yes, laser hair removal works 100% on all skin types. It is one of the safest, effective, and side effect free methods. It is far better and less painful than waxing and shaving. Besides, after an average of 3 to 5 sessions, most people experience complete hair removal.

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